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How to Make an Apology You’ll Never Have to Make Again
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A Quiz to See If You Are Ready to Take This Course
Module 1: What Happened?
What Happened?
The Workbook and Your First Question
Guilt and Shame: Good and Bad Ways to Feel Bad
Four responses to Shame
What Guilt wants
Module 2: Who Did You Hurt?
Who Did You Hurt Video
First Question of the Second Module
Broken Promises
Reasonable Expectations
Unreasonable Expectations
Module 3: Damage
The Damages
Denial of Impact
A Closer Look at the Damages
Module 4: Why Did You Do It?
Why Did You Do It?
Denial of Awareness
The Cycle of Victimization (0:11)
Module 5: Persistent Problems
Persistent Problems
Addictions Groom You
Module 6: The Cover Up
The Cover Up
Module 7: Your Statement of Responsibility
Your Statement of Responsibility
Module 8: Disclosure
Module 9: Repairing the Damage
Repairing the Damage
The Amends Decision Tree
Indirect Amends
Direct Amends
Module 10: Confession to a Neutral Party
Confession to a Neutral Party
Module 11: The Apology
The Apology
Module 12: Spotting Patterns Before They Develop Again
Spotting Patterns
Has Anything Changed?
Denial of the Need for Help
Getting a Lookout
Module 13: What Could Possibly Go Wrong with an Apology?
Your Victim Offers Cheap Pardon
Your Victim Refuses to Forgive
Your Victim’s Behavior is Worse than Yours
When the Victim’s Demands for Restitution are Unreasonable
Your Victim Forgets the Whole Thing
When the Victim Doesn’t Look at Their Side of the Problem
Wrapping up
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