What you get when you purchase the course

Before you purchase How to Make an Apology You’ll Never Have to Make Again, you should know what you are getting.

  • Four videos in which I explain parts of the process. I have included the text of each of the videos.·      
  • There are many short print lectures on parts of the process, adding up to 34,500 words. It will take a little more than two hours to read them all. They are written at an 8th grade reading level, somewhere between the difficulty of Harry Potter and Jurassic Park.
  • There is one interactive decision tree to help you work out how you can make amends.
  • I ask you a series of questions about what you are apologizing for. Your answers will help you work out what to say in your apology and help you change behavioral patterns that led you to the offense.
  • With each question, I offer an example of how it can be answered. These examples all accumulate into a case study of how someone apologized effectively.
  • A 28-page workbook you can download to record your answers to my questions.
  • You are entitled to consult with me by email. If you need more help I may be available at extra charge.

Next, in the introduction is a video about the objectives and prerequisites of the course.   


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